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10 Best Survival Items For Alone You Wish You Knew

10 Best Survival Items For Alone

10 Best Survival Items For Alone

When heading into the wilderness alone, having the right survival items can make all the difference. The popular TV show “Alone” showcases the gear choices made by contestants, highlighting the need for survival skills and preparedness in a survival situation. In this article, we’ll walk you through the top 10 survival items you should consider when going alone, based on the gear list from “Alone” season 9 and other expert recommendations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having the right survival gear is essential for wilderness survival.
  • “Alone” contestants’ gear choices can offer valuable insight into selecting the proper gear.
  • The 10 best survival items highlighted in this article can significantly improve your chances of survival.

Importance of Choosing the Right Survival Gear

When going into the wilderness alone, selecting the appropriate survival gear can make all the difference. Your gear choices can reflect your level of survival skills and preparedness, which can impact your overall experience and chances of survival. Having the right gear can help you stay safe, comfortable, and well-fed. It can also help you feel more confident in your ability to handle unexpected situations. For example, bringing items like a multi-tool, fire starter, and first aid kit can increase your chances of overcoming challenges in a survival situation. On the other hand, bringing the wrong gear or not enough gear can be detrimental to your safety and overall success. Inadequate clothing, shelter, or food can quickly lead to hypothermia, dehydration, or starvation. Therefore, it is essential to research and gather the appropriate gear choices for your specific needs. Knowing what items to bring and how to use them can significantly increase your chances of survival in a wilderness setting. To help guide your gear selection, it’s important to consider factors such as the length of your stay, the terrain, and climate conditions. You should also consider the potential risks and challenges of the environment you will be in and factor that into your gear choices. Overall, choosing the right survival gear is crucial to your safety and success in a solo wilderness survival situation. It’s essential to prioritize safety and preparedness when venturing into the wilderness alone. Survival Gear Checklist

Understanding the Alone Gear List and Season 9 Contestants’ Choices

Going out into the wilderness alone requires careful planning and preparation, especially when it comes to selecting the appropriate gear. The popular TV show “Alone” provides an excellent reference point for the gear choices made by contestants. The show’s participants are tasked with surviving in the wilderness with limited gear for an extended period. This makes their gear choices critical in ensuring their survival. The gear list for “Alone” typically includes a range of items that can be used for shelter, fire-starting, food procurement, and other survival-related tasks. Contestants often have to make tough decisions when selecting their gear, choosing items that can help them survive while also balancing weight and space restrictions.
Alone Gear List Contestants Take These Survival Gear List from Alone Season 9
Tarp Wire Survival Knife 550 Paracord
Paracord Trapping Wire Multi-Tool Headlamp
Sleeping Bag Saw Axe Extra Clothing
Pot Spoon Ferrocerium Rod Gill Net
Food Rations Fishing Line & Hooks Bow & Arrows Pan
Contestants take a range of gear items, including survival knives, multi-tools, and headlamps, to help them with various survival tasks. They also bring gear for food procurement, such as fishing lines, hooks, and nets. The “Alone” gear list from season 9 included a tarp, paracord, and a sleeping bag for shelter, as well as a pot and food rations for sustenance. When selecting gear for a solo camping trip, it’s essential to consider the terrain, weather conditions, and your skill level. It’s also important to pack accordingly and avoid overpacking, as this can slow you down and tire you out quickly. In the next section, we will highlight the ten best survival items you should consider bringing with you when going alone. ten best survival items

The 10 Best Survival Items You Should Consider

When it comes to wilderness survival, having the right gear can make all the difference. Here are the 10 best survival items you should consider bringing with you when going alone.
  1. A reliable knife: A good-quality knife is an essential tool for any survival situation. Look for a blade that can handle a variety of tasks, such as chopping wood, preparing food, and cutting materials. Consider investing in a knife with a serrated edge for added functionality.
  2. A fire starter: Being able to start a fire is critical for keeping warm, cooking food, and signaling for help. Look for a fire starter that is reliable and easy to use, such as a Ferro rod or waterproof matches.
  3. A shelter system: A sturdy shelter is essential for protecting yourself from the elements. Consider bringing a tarp and paracord for easy setup, or invest in a lightweight tent if you plan on staying in the wilderness for an extended period.
  4. A multitool: A multitool is a versatile tool that can handle a variety of tasks, such as cutting, sawing, and opening cans. Look for a model with a range of tools and features to maximize its usefulness.
  5. A first aid kit: Accidents can happen in the wilderness, and having a well-stocked first aid kit can mean the difference between life and death. Look for a kit with items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.
  6. A water filter: Clean drinking water is essential for survival, and a water filter can ensure that you have access to safe drinking water even in the wilderness. Look for a filter that can remove bacteria and parasites from water sources.
  7. A map and compass: Navigation is crucial in the wilderness, and a map and compass can help you stay on track and avoid getting lost. Make sure you know how to use them before you head out.
  8. A signaling device: In the event of an emergency, a signaling device such as a whistle or mirror can help you attract the attention of rescuers. Look for a device that is easy to use and can be heard or seen from a distance.
  9. A backpack: A durable backpack is essential for carrying all of your gear and supplies. Look for a backpack with multiple compartments and a comfortable fit.
  10. A survival fishing kit: In addition to hunting, fishing can be an effective way to procure food in the wilderness. Look for a kit that includes items such as hooks, line, and lures.
These 10 survival items are some of the best gear choices you can make when going alone. They can help you stay safe, comfortable, and well-nourished in a survival situation. Consider these items when preparing for your next wilderness adventure. best survival

Shelter Building and Survival Skills

Shelter building is an essential survival skill that can make all the difference in a wilderness survival situation. With the right gear and knowledge, you can create a shelter that will provide protection from the elements and help you stay warm and dry. When it comes to shelter building, the gear you have is only as good as your knowledge of how to use it. To make the most of your gear, familiarize yourself with basic shelter building techniques and the proper use of gear items like a tarp and paracord. Start by selecting a suitable location for your shelter, such as a flat and dry area with natural cover overhead. Once you have found a location, gather materials like branches, leaves, and moss to construct your shelter. Use your tarp and paracord to create a frame and cover for your shelter, ensuring that it is well-secured to prevent wind and rain from entering. Remember that your shelter should not only protect you from the elements but also provide a comfortable place to rest and sleep. A good shelter can help you conserve energy and rest better, which is crucial in a survival situation. By continuously improving your shelter building skills and making the most out of the gear items you have, you can increase your chances of surviving in the wilderness. shelter building

Fishing and Food Procurement

In a survival situation, having a reliable source of food is crucial. This is where a survival fishing kit comes in handy. A well-equipped kit should include fishing line, hooks, sinkers, and lures. Your kit should also include a small telescopic fishing rod, which can be packed easily. When it comes to fishing in a survival situation, it’s essential to know how to set up your gear properly and choose the right bait. You can try different bait options such as worms, insects, or small pieces of fish. Survival Fishing Kit Once you have caught your fish, you’ll need to know how to clean it and prepare it for cooking. Make sure to carry a sharp knife with you for this task. In addition to fishing, it’s also important to be able to procure food from other sources. One effective method is by setting up snares using your snare wire. This is a simple and effective way to catch small game such as rabbits or squirrels. Make sure to read up on the proper snare techniques to ensure that you don’t harm any animals needlessly.

Tools for Survival: Ax and Snare Wire

When it comes to surviving in the wilderness, having the right tools can make all the difference. Two essential items you should consider packing are an ax and snare wire. An ax is a versatile survival tool that can be used for a wide range of tasks. It can be used for chopping wood, building shelters, and even as a self-defense weapon if needed. Snare wire is another incredibly valuable survival tool that can be used for trapping and catching animals for food. It is lightweight and easy to pack, making it a great addition to your gear list. When using an ax, it is crucial to practice proper safety precautions. Always wear gloves and eye protection and ensure that you have a solid understanding of how to use it correctly. When it comes to snare wire, it’s essential to follow local regulations and ensure that you are using it in a humane and ethical manner. By including these two tools in your gear list, you will be better equipped to handle a wide range of survival situations. ax and snare wire

Water and Hydration: 2 Quart and Gill Net

When venturing into the wilderness alone, staying hydrated is crucial for your survival. That’s why you should consider carrying a 2-quart container for water storage and transport. This item is ideal for collecting and carrying water from nearby sources, such as streams or rivers. With a 2-quart container, you can be sure that you always have enough water to keep your body hydrated and functioning correctly. Another valuable item to have in your survival gear is a gill net. This tool can be used for catching fish and other aquatic food sources, providing a much-needed source of protein and nutrients in a survival situation. A gill net is easy to set up and use, and it can be left unattended for extended periods. This means you can focus on other survival tasks while your net is busy catching your next meal. glll net As with any gear item, it’s essential to know how to use and maintain your 2-quart container and gill net. Make sure you learn how to set up your gill net properly, as its effectiveness will depend on its correct deployment. Always keep your 2-quart container clean and free from contaminants to ensure that your water supply remains safe to drink. 2 quart container Carrying a 2-quart container and gill net as part of your survival gear can make a significant difference in your ability to survive in the wilderness alone. With these tools at your disposal, you can stay hydrated and well-fed, giving you the energy and focus you need to tackle any survival challenge that comes your way.


As you venture into the wilderness alone, it is essential to prioritize your safety and preparedness, and selecting the right survival gear is crucial. Developing essential survival skills is equally important to ensure that you can handle any situation you may encounter. The 10 best survival items we highlighted in this article, including a survival fishing kit, an ax, snare wire, 2-quart container, and gill net, are critical to your survival. Familiarize yourself with these items and learn how to use them effectively. Remember that wilderness survival requires not only gear but also knowledge and skills. Develop practical survival skills such as shelter building, fishing, and food procurement, and always prioritize safety. With these tips in mind, you are better equipped to select the 10 best survival items for your next wilderness adventure.

What Are the Most Important Features to Look for in a Survival Knife?

When choosing a survival knife, it’s crucial to consider the essential features that can make a difference in critical situations. First, prioritize a durable and high-quality blade that can withstand tough conditions. Opt for a full-tang design, which ensures the blade extends through the entire handle for strength. Look for a versatile knife with a fixed blade, as it guarantees reliability and ease of maintenance. Additionally, a comfortable grip and a reliable sheath are necessary for safe handling and accessibility. These survival knife essentials can be the key to your preparedness in challenging environments.


Q: What are the 10 best survival items for going alone?

A: The 10 best survival items to consider are: shelter building materials, a survival fishing kit, an ax, snare wire, a 2-quart container for water, a gill net, a tarp, paracord, a multitool, a fire starter kit, and a first aid kit.

Q: Why is it important to choose the right survival gear?

A: Choosing the right survival gear can greatly impact your overall experience and chances of survival. The gear choices you make reflect your level of survival skills and preparedness.

Q: What gear items did the contestants on the TV show “Alone” take with them?

A: Contestants on the TV show “Alone” take a variety of gear items with them, including shelter building materials, fishing kits, axes, snare wire, water containers, gill nets, tarps, paracord, multitools, fire starters, and first aid kits.

Q: What are the 10 best survival items I should consider?

A: The 10 best survival items you should consider are shelter building materials, a survival fishing kit, an ax, snare wire, a 2-quart container for water, a gill net, a tarp, paracord, a multitool, a fire starter kit, and a first aid kit. These items will contribute to your safety, comfort, and ability to survive in the wilderness.

Q: How important is shelter building and survival skills?

A: Shelter building is crucial in a survival situation. Knowing how to build a proper shelter and effectively utilize gear items like a tarp and paracord can significantly impact your ability to stay protected and comfortable in the wilderness. Developing survival skills in shelter building is essential for your overall survival.

Q: Why should I have a survival fishing kit?

A: A survival fishing kit is an essential item for procuring food in a survival situation. It includes components like fishing line, hooks, and lures that can be used to catch fish and other aquatic food sources. Knowing how to effectively use a fishing kit can greatly increase your chances of obtaining food in the wilderness.

Q: How can I use an ax and snare wire in a survival situation?

A: An ax is a versatile tool that can be used for chopping wood, building shelters, and other tasks that require cutting or splitting. Snare wire can be used for trapping and catching animals for food. It is important to learn proper usage and safety precautions for both tools.

Q: What is the significance of having a 2-quart container for water and a gill net?

A: Water and hydration are crucial for survival. Carrying a 2-quart container allows you to store and transport water efficiently. A gill net is a useful tool for catching fish and other aquatic food sources. Knowing how to properly use and maintain these items is essential for your survival.

Q: How should I select the best survival gear?

A: When selecting survival gear, prioritize items that will contribute to your safety, comfort, and ability to survive in the wilderness. Consider the specific needs and challenges of your survival situation. The 10 best survival items highlighted in this article are a great starting point for your gear choices.